Metamine Announces Its Token $MTMN Listing on Global Crypto Exchange DigiFinex

11 октября 2022

The Metamine announces that its token $MTMN will be listed on the stablecoin Tether (USDT) market through its official website and DigiFinex.

According to the announcement, Metamine’s $MTMN tokens can be deposited, withdrawn and traded from 7pm (UTC+9) on the 14th.

Metamine ($MTMN) is a blockchain platform. Metamine has launched the P2E game ‘META MINE’ globally except for Korea, China and Singapore. On October 1, 2022, the opened was started. The Metamine has a wide worldview that contains various contents such as SNS, NFT, games, and culture in the metaverse space.

Taejo Kang, Chairman of the Metamine, said, «By building Metamine’s Metaverse ecosystem, it will grow into a platform that embraces both real and virtual worlds. We hope that global users will be able to join Metamine’s worldview through listing on a global exchange.» In fact, the Metamine has a mining game implemented as an App.

Meanwhile, the Metamine is about to launch the NFT minting page, Meta Collabo, at the end of October, and is developing a Metamine wallet service and Metaverse platform connected with a bridge function.

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